Please join us on Wednesday, September 14 to welcome our guest speaker Paul Wynnyk. He will address our Society on The War in Ukraine.
Lieutenant-General Paul Wynnyk CMM, MSM, CD, Retired served as Commander of the Canadian Army from 2016 to 2018, and Vice Chief of the Defense Staff from 2018 until his retirement in July 2019.
The grandson of Ukrainian immigrants from the Lviv region, he was born in Edmonton and raised in Breton prior to attending the Royal Military College of Canada. Thereafter, he was commissioned into the Canadian Military Engineers, which marked the beginning of a distinguished military career of over thirty years. He has served as a commanding officer in several positions, including 1 Combat Engineer Regiment in Edmonton, 1 Area Support Group for Western Canada, and held the rank of Assistant Commanding General for the Combined Security Transition Command in Afghanistan.
Paul is Alberta’s Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and led Alberta’s provincial COVID-19 rollout team.
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 14; Wine & Cheese starts at 5:00 pm, Program from 5:50 – 7:00 pm
Location: The Vancouver Club, 915 Hastings Street West, Vancouver, B.C.
Cost: $50 each for a Member of the Society
$50 each for either a spouse, partner or immediate family of a Member of the Society
$65 each for a non-Member
(The ticket cost includes one beverage ticket per attendee for 1 glass of wine or beer, or for 2 soft drinks. Additional drinks can be purchased from the bar)
Please confirm your attendance here or email, , by Friday, September 9. Payment can be made by e-transfer to and cash, cheque or Vancouver Club account at the door of the event.